Many people - though not nearly enough, sadly - will recall historic accounts of Hitler Youth. These were children and teenagers who were, for all intents and purposes, brainwashed into believing that their actions were for the better of German society; the society that they felt the world should adopt. Those beliefs involved the demonization of certain groups of peoples.
Hitler Youth were taught to hate. They were molded over time to despise certain sects of the German populace based on what amounted to lies being propagated onto them by what would later become the Nazi’s. Hate the Jew’s because they were dredges of German society; thieves, greedy misers, and overall wrong doers.
By the standards of today, the approach taken to warp the development of these young minds was vile. I mean, manipulating children is horrific, right?
In our more modern public schools, there has been a large and long-standing movement to similarly warp our youth. The plot this time, though, is much more sinister. It’s far more brilliant than previously wrought. Instead of outright hate for others, this hate is being turned inward to a certain degree. In recent years, it’s been branded as Critical Race Theory (CRT) - though it expands far beyond the original concept of CRT.
Today’s youth are being taught to self-loathe. At least white children are being taught this. They’re being taught to “acknowledge and accept their white privilege”. They’re being taught that they themselves are inherently racist and thus a problem in today’s society. Despite great historical figures who sought racial equality, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., they are taught that the color of one's skin defines their lot in life; rather than the content of character.
These new, wily manipulators are encouraging kids to believe that our white population is purposely holding back our non-white population. It’s being ingrained that whites are thieves, greedy misers, and overall wrong doers. Old, rich, white men continue to prey upon and burden the backs of minorities.
All of these teachings are in stark contrast to the fact that our society, as a whole, is richer than it ever has been. We have lower poverty numbers than ever before. Our lowest level of poverty is significantly better off than real, third-world poverty. Our middle class is very large, and very successful.
Yet hatred is being preached. It has, as current events certainly display, even been violent. Violence that has been justified by the dehumanization of certain parts of our society through the self-hate instilled in our youth. We have teachers the likes of Gabriel Gipe, from Inderkum High School, attempting to scare kids into radicalization. Oftentimes, these teachers are not being open about their methods, or even the teachings, for that matter. Even the University of Alabama has developed diversity groups that result in little more than segregation.
In order to stop this from continuing and to prevent history from repeating itself, parents need to take back our public schools. We need to call out teachers, curriculums, and even entire school districts for pushing these narratives. We must stop this push to corrupt our children’s minds. We must stop the attempt to poison our own society and demonize others and selves.
Take a stand. Be vocal. Do it for your own children.
-Mike H
