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Of Frogs and Men


The battle of late forged by the Left involves gender ideology. There is much debate on whether we ought to be forced to recognize people's desire to be dubbed another gender. Men are women and women are men and we all just need to accept this. The problem is that saying something doesn't make it so.

Arguments for this ideology consistently confuse itself. “Gender is a social construct” but also “it happens in nature!” Pick one or the other. You can’t have both. Either this is an occurrence established by the order of nature, or it is a matter of human psychology.

If gender is a social construct, then there is a need for self-awareness and cognitive thought processes necessary to establish such ideas. The animal kingdom at large has not demonstrated the ability to reach this level of reasoning and therefore does not participate in socially constructed ideals. They behave naturally, based on instinct; not on philosophical principles.

When this is the argument for transvestite behaviors, there is at least a philosophical argument to be made. We’re talking about human interaction, ideology rather than immutable biological science. Discussions about ideas are acceptable, regardless of how different the viewpoints may be. But “identifying as” is most certainly a far cry from actually becoming.

But what about various amphibious or fish species? Can’t they change their sex? That’s proof that this already happens in nature, making changing genders a natural occurrence!

Well… No. No it is not. Again, pick one or the other. Either we discuss the ideology of socially constructed gender, or we discuss biology. Sex reversal is a biological matter and there is far more that goes into it than ideology.

An example of sex reversal occurs in certain species of frogs. This happens in approximately anywhere from 2% to 16% of the population and is a result of certain environmental conditions. One specific piece is for the purpose of the perpetuation of the species. The frogs can potentially change from male to female, or female to male, in order to be able to continue breeding and growing their population.

Contrast this with surgical alteration to one's physical self. The frogs actually biologically change. Their sex fully changes. They don’t just lose body parts. Frogs don’t show up at the frog surgeon’s office and ask them to cut things off of or sew things onto their body. Instead, frogs actually change entirely. Their reproductive organs shift, on their own, from one sex to the other. A formerly-male frog will now be able to lay eggs. The opposite is true for formerly-female frogs in that they will now be able to fertilize eggs.

Surgically altering genitals does not provide such biological function adjustments. It’s strictly a physical alteration no different than getting a tattoo or piercing one’s ears. That’s it. Male genitals cannot be changed to allow for eggs to be produced, or a baby to be carried through pregnancy. Female genitals cannot be changed to allow for fertilization. These things are not the same and there isn’t an argument to contradict this fact.

Ultimately, the outcry claiming that “trans-women are women” is an outright lie. It should be offensive to any and all men and women because claiming to be a woman does not make one a woman. A man can say they feel like a woman all they want. This does not make it so. A schizophrenic who claims to be from another planet isn’t indulged. Their mental illness is treated. Gender dysphoria is a similarly delusional state of mind and it is wrong some pander to it. Their mental illness should be treated.

-Mike H


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