I’d like to start off with a definition of the website’s title. In the book “1984” by George Orwell, he describes the concept of Doublethink as “the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously and accepting both of them. That is precisely what politics should be. Two opposing viewpoints with a rational and logical discussion with the end goal of finding common ground. The definition of a thinktank according to Merriam-Webster is “an institute, corporation, or group organized to study a particular subject (such as a policy issue or a scientific problem) and provide information, ideas, and advice”. We certainly don’t expect everybody to embrace our viewpoints, we simply ask that they hear them out.
The hardest thing about explaining views in politics today is explaining to people why you feel the way you do. Explaining so passionately those viewpoints that you have convinced yourself is correct. This because someone else has taught them to you or because you have researched them yourself and come to a logical conclusion. For any political discussion, I would hope the latter is true for if a person simply accepts the word of another person without any counter discussion or justification of those views, then they are simply sheep and that is far worse than any democrat or republican could ever be. Thus with any post that comes onto this blog, the reasoning behind the view must be justified with an explanation of facts. You certainly don’t have to accept those facts and I expect that some of you won’t. However, as political commentator Ben Shapiro is so fond of saying, “Facts don’t care about feelings.” Our goal is not to offend but to educate. While the blog is political in nature, it certainly will not be limited to only politics in scope.
If you’ve read this far then I hope you continue on and read more. In any case. Thanks for coming.